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How to Remove Refrigerator Odors

How to Remove Refrigerator Odors

What is that smell? There are plenty of things that are in that refrigerator of yours that are cause odors. There will always be odor generators just because there is food in the refrigerator. If you open your refrigerator and smell something bad, it is high time to do a bit of investigation. You need…

Removing the Smell of Mold and Mildew in the Basement

Removing the Smell of Mold and Mildew in the Basement

Experiencing a flood is bad enough, but having to deal with its aftermath is a whole ‘nother story. Whether you have experienced several feet of water in your home or just a few inches in the basement after a big storm, or even experienced leaky water pipes, it doesn’t matter. In many respects the mess…

How to Clean Wallpaper

How to Clean Wallpaper

I love my wallpaper. It’s design is really beautiful and the pattern kind of fits my personality. People assume that wallpaper is difficult to care for, but how many times can a painted wall withstand the assault that only a toddler can inflict at meal time? Because most of today’s wallpapers are coated with vinyl…