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Home Matters

Practical home renovations

Whether for sale or personal pleasure, here’s how to make sure home improvements add value Whether for personal taste or functional reasons, home renovations feature consistently on homeowners’ radars. However, many homeowners remain confused about renovation budgets, the right contractors, what renovations to undertake and why. The first question to ask is, why are you…

Things You Might Not Think of When Refinancing Your Home

Are you planning to refinance your home this year? If you’re interested in lowering your mortgage payments, decreasing your interest rate or more, chances are you’ve probably thought about whether or not you should refi your mortgage. This lengthy process can have a number of advantages and disadvantages depending on your situation, so you’ll have…

Maintaining water conditioning systems

In hard-water areas, water softeners condition water to remove unwanted minerals. Softened water uses less soap, prevents mineral buildup in pipes and extends the life of appliances and hot water heaters. Keep them on the job with proper maintenance. Most models use a salt-exchange method that depends on a supply of salt pellets or nuggets….

Plumbing Maintenance Tips

Spot and resolve small plumbing problems before they become major issues at home. Plumbing. It’s been with us since Roman times, but today’s homes have a lavish supply of hot and cold water on demand, thanks to modern plumbing systems. The principles are simple — pressure and valves — but if they fail, the household…